
Resources for Helping Abandoned and Neglected Pets


The world can, unfortunately, be a cruel place. Every year, 6.3 million animals enter shelters, out of which almost a million get euthanized, reports the ASPCA. It’s heartbreaking, and these innocent animals don’t deserve this fate. What can you do about it, though? Pet Sitter Frederick offers some suggestions on how you can personally help abandoned and/or neglected pets, in ways big and small:

Consider forming your own non-profit

Forming a nonprofit organization with like-minded people is arguably the most impactful way to help pets:

  • Your company can support abandoned pets in various ways – rescue, sheltering, food, and offering medical aid.
  • Create a business plan, highlighting your goals and vision. It will help you manage your money and get more done. 
  • Market your company to attract volunteers, funding, and help. Consider including powerful imagery to sway people.
  • You can use online tools to create, manage, and share imagery. The best online image size converter can help in this regard. 

Volunteer for, donate to, or help support groups

You can support existing groups in various ways:

  • The Humane Society has a presence in 50 states, assists animals in various ways, and is always accepting of volunteers.
  • You can donate one time or monthly to a wonderful organization such as the ASPCA.
  • Volunteer with your town or city – most have animal welfare departments – and work under the guidance of experts.
  • You can help support groups in other ways – by reporting neglected animals, starting a fundraiser, or drumming up publicity for the cause.

Adopt or help place pets

  • You can adopt an abandoned or neglected pet yourself, temporarily or permanently.
  • You could set up an adoption event in your community to help pets find new homes.
  • You can set up a website, webpage, or social media group to help place pets.

You can’t help every animal out there – but if you can help some, you’d have done something. You’re helping make the world a better place. The neglected pet will be sure to appreciate it, and you’d have made a friend for life.

Image via Unsplash


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